Teaching with Reverence

Teaching with Reverence
Author: A. Rud
Publisher: Springer
Total Pages: 176
Release: 2012-01-30
Genre: Education
ISBN: 1137012161

Reverence is a forgotten virtue in teaching and learning. When taken in a broader spiritual sense, it is often associated with a mute and prim solemnity. The essays gathered here examine reverence as a way to understand some of the spiritual dimensions of classroom teaching.


Author: Paul Woodruff
Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA
Total Pages: 325
Release: 2014
Genre: Philosophy
ISBN: 0199350809

Reverence is an ancient virtue that survives among us in half-forgotten patterns of civility and moments of inarticulate awe. Reverence gives meaning to much that we do, yet the word has almost passed out of our vocabulary. Reverence, says philosopher and classicist Paul Woodruff, begins in an understanding of human limitations. From this grows the capacity to be in awe of whatever we believe lies outside our control -- God, truth, justice, nature, even death. It is a quality of character that is especially important in leadership and in teaching, although it figures in virtually every human relationship. It transcends religious boundaries and can be found outside religion altogether. Woodruff draws on thinking about this lost virtue in ancient Greek and Chinese traditions and applies lessons from these highly reverent cultures to today's world. The book covers reverence in a variety of contexts -- the arts, leadership, teaching, warfare, and the home -- and shows how essential a quality it is to a well-functioning society. First published by Oxford University Press in 2001, this new edition of Reverence is revised and expanded. It contains a foreword by Betty Sue Flowers, Distinguished Teaching Professor Emeritus at the University of Texas at Austin, a new preface, two new chapters -- one on the sacred and one on compassion -- and an epilogue focused on renewing reverence in our own lives.

Teaching with Reverence

Teaching with Reverence
Author: A. Rud
Publisher: Springer
Total Pages: 292
Release: 2012-01-30
Genre: Education
ISBN: 1137012161

Reverence is a forgotten virtue in teaching and learning. When taken in a broader spiritual sense, it is often associated with a mute and prim solemnity. The essays gathered here examine reverence as a way to understand some of the spiritual dimensions of classroom teaching.

Effective Bible Teaching

Effective Bible Teaching
Author: James C. Wilhoit
Publisher: Baker Books
Total Pages: 278
Release: 2012-09-01
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 144124042X

Why does Bible study flourish in some churches and small groups and not in others? In this updated edition of a trusted classic, two Christian education specialists provide readers with the knowledge and methods needed to effectively communicate the message of the Bible. The book offers concrete guidance for mastering a biblical text, interpreting it, and applying its relevance to life. Its methods, which have been field-tested for twenty-five years, help pastors, teachers, and ministry students improve their classroom skills. Readers will learn how to develop the "big idea" of a passage and allow the text itself to suggest creative teaching methods. This new edition has been updated throughout and explores the changed landscape of Bible study over the past two decades. Readable and interdisciplinary in approach, this book will help a new generation of Bible students teach in a purposeful and unified way.

Aims of Education

Aims of Education
Author: Alfred North Whitehead
Publisher: Simon and Schuster
Total Pages: 180
Release: 1967
Genre: Education
ISBN: 0029351804

Presents the texts of a series of lectures delivered between 1912 and 1928 on the purposes and practice of education.

Solemn Reverence

Solemn Reverence
Author: Randall Balmer
Publisher: Steerforth Press / Truth to Power
Total Pages: 113
Release: 2021-02-02
Genre: History
ISBN: 1586422715

"A slender but thoroughly argued case for reinforcing the wall between church and state. . . A stern warning that those who push for the intrusion of religion into public life do so at the peril of both." -- Kirkus Reviews The First Amendment to the US Constitution codified the principle that the government should play no role in favoring or supporting any religion, while allowing free exercise of all religions (including unbelief). More than two centuries later, the results from this experiment are overwhelming: The separation of church and state has shielded the government from religious factionalism, and the United States boasts a diverse religious culture unmatched anywhere in the world. In Solemn Reverence, Randall Balmer, one of the premier historians of religion in America, reviews both the history of the separation of church and state as well as the various attempts to undermine that wall of separation. Despite the fact that the First Amendment and the separation of church and state has served the nation remarkably well, he argues, its future is by no means assured.

With Reverence and Awe

With Reverence and Awe
Author: Darryl G. Hart
Publisher: P & R Publishing
Total Pages: 0
Release: 2002
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 9780875521794

Reformed Christians, write D. G. Hart and John R. Muether, are increasingly divided over how they ought to worship their God. Considering it an urgent matter to recover a biblical view of worship, the authors have written With Reverence and Awe. Drawing on Scripture and Reformed confessions and catechisms, the authors answer such questions as: When are we to worship? How do we worship with reverence and joy? They also tackle the most divisive issue: music, concluding with criteria that can help Reformed believers make sound judgments.