Remedies for Human Rights Violations

Remedies for Human Rights Violations
Author: Kent Roach
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Total Pages: 633
Release: 2021-04-08
Genre: Law
ISBN: 1108417876

Justifies a two-track approach that includes individual and systemic remedies in both domestic and international human rights law.

Remedies for Human Rights Violations

Remedies for Human Rights Violations
Author: Kent Roach
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Total Pages: 633
Release: 2021-04-08
Genre: Law
ISBN: 1108284817

An innovative book that provides fresh insights into the neglected field of remedies in both international and domestic human rights law. Providing an overarching two-track theory, it combines remedies to compensate and prevent irreparable harm to litigants with a more dialogic approach to systemic remedies. It breaks new ground by demonstrating how proportionality principles can improve remedial decision-making and avoid reliance on either strong discretion or inflexible rules. It draws on the latest jurisprudence from the European and Inter-American Courts of Human Rights and domestic courts in Australia, Canada, India, New Zealand, Hong Kong, South Africa, the United Kingdom and the United States. Separate chapters are devoted to interim remedies, remedies for laws that violate human rights, damages, remedies in the criminal process, declarations and injunctions in institutional cases, remedies for violations of social and economic rights and remedies for violations of Indigenous rights.

Remedies in International Human Rights Law

Remedies in International Human Rights Law
Author: Dinah Shelton
Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA
Total Pages: 513
Release: 2015
Genre: Law
ISBN: 0199588821

Dinah Shelton provides a comprehensive treatment of remedies for human rights violations reviews the jurisprudence of international tribunals on these violations. The text provides a theoretical framework and a practical guide for lawyers, judges, and academics interested in human rights law.

Remedies in International Human Rights Law

Remedies in International Human Rights Law
Author: Dinah Shelton
Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA
Total Pages: 458
Release: 2000
Genre: Law
ISBN: 9780199243020

This treatment of the topic of remedies for human rights violations reviews the jurisprudence of international tribunals on these violations. It also provides a theoretical framework and a practical guide.

Damages for Violations of Human Rights

Damages for Violations of Human Rights
Author: Ewa Bagińska
Publisher: Springer
Total Pages: 488
Release: 2015-10-20
Genre: Law
ISBN: 3319189506

This volume analyses the legal grounds, premises and extent of pecuniary compensation for violations of human rights in national legal systems. The scope of comparison includes liability regimes in general and in detail, the correlation between pecuniary remedies available under international law and under domestic law, and special (alternative) compensation systems. All sources of human rights violations are embraced, including historical injustices and systematical and gross violations. The book is a collection of nineteen contributions written by public international law, international human rights and private law experts, covering fifteen European jurisdictions (including Central and Eastern Europe), the United States, Israel and EU law. The contributions, initially prepared for the 19th International Congress of Comparative law in Vienna (2014), present the latest developments in legislation, scholarship and case-law concerning domestic causes of action in cases of human rights abuses. The book concludes with a comparative report which assesses the developments in tort law and public liability law, the role of the constitutionalisation of the right to damages as well as the court practice related to the process of enforcement of human rights through monetary remedies. This country-by-country comparison allows to consider whether the value of protection of human rights as expressed in international treaties, ius cogens and in national constitutional laws justifies the conclusion that the interests at stake should enjoy protection under the existing civil liability rules, or that a new cause of action, or even a whole new set of rules, should be created in national systems.

Civil Remedies and Human Rights in Flux

Civil Remedies and Human Rights in Flux
Author: Ekaterina Aristova
Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing
Total Pages: 400
Release: 2022-02-24
Genre: Law
ISBN: 1509947612

What private law avenues are open to victims of human rights violations? This innovative new collection explores this question across sixteen jurisdictions in the Global South and Global North. It examines existing mechanisms in domestic law for bringing civil claims in relation to the involvement of states, corporations and individuals in specific categories of human rights violation: (i) assault or unlawful arrest and detention of persons; (ii) environmental harm; and (iii) harmful or unfair labour conditions. Taking a truly global perspective, it assesses the question in jurisdictions as diverse as Kenya, Switzerland, the US and the Philippines. A much needed and important new statement on how to respond to human rights violations.

Remedies against Immunity?

Remedies against Immunity?
Author: Valentina Volpe
Publisher: Springer Nature
Total Pages: 427
Release: 2021-04-08
Genre: Law
ISBN: 3662623048

The open access book examines the consequences of the Italian Constitutional Court’s Judgment 238/2014 which denied the German Republic’s immunity from civil jurisdiction over claims to reparations for Nazi crimes committed during World War II. This landmark decision created a range of currently unresolved legal problems and controversies which continue to burden the political and diplomatic relationship between Germany and Italy. The judgment has wide repercussions for core concepts of international law and for the relationship between different legal orders. The book’s three interlinked legal themes are state immunity, reparation for serious human rights violations and war crimes (including historical ones), and the interaction between international and domestic institutions, notably courts. Besides a meticulous legal analysis of these themes from the perspectives of international law, European law, and domestic law, the book contributes to the civic debate on the issue of war crimes and reparation for the victims of armed conflict. It proposes concrete legal and political solutions to the parties involved for overcoming the present paralysis with a view to a sustainable interstate conflict solution and helps judges directly involved in the pending post-Sentenza reparation cases. After an Introduction (Part I), Part II, Immunity, investigates core international law concepts such as those of pre/post-judgment immunity and international state responsibility. Part III, Remedies, examines the tension between state immunity and the right to remedy and suggests original schemes for solving the conundrum under international law. Part IV adds European Perspectives by showcasing relevant regional examples of legal cooperation and judicial dialogue. Part V, Courts, addresses questions on the role of judges in the areas of immunity and human rights at both the national and international level. Part VI, Negotiations, suggests concrete ways out of the impasse with a forward-looking aspiration. In Part VII, The Past and Future of Remedies, a sitting judge in the Court that decided Sentenza 238/2014 adds some critical reflections on the Judgment. Joseph H. H. Weiler’s Dialogical Epilogue concludes the volume by placing the main findings of the book in a wider European and international law perspective.

Transformative Justice

Transformative Justice
Author: Matthew Evans
Publisher: Routledge
Total Pages: 268
Release: 2018-06-27
Genre: Law
ISBN: 1351239449

Transitional justice mechanisms employed in post-conflict and post-authoritarian contexts have largely focused upon individual violations of a narrow set of civil and political rights, as well as the provision of legal and quasi-legal remedies, such as truth commissions, amnesties and prosecutions. In contrast, this book highlights the significance of structural violence in producing and reproducing rights violations. The book further argues that, in order to remedy structural violations of human rights, there is a need to utilise a different toolkit from that typically employed in transitional justice contexts. The book sets out and applies a definition of transformative justice as expanding upon, and providing an alternative to, transitional justice. Focusing on a comparative study of social movements, nongovernmental organisations and trade unions working on land and housing rights in South Africa, and their network relationships, the book argues that networks of this kind make an important contribution to processes advancing transformative justice.