PISA 2018 Results (Volume I) What Students Know and Can Do

PISA 2018 Results (Volume I) What Students Know and Can Do
Author: OECD
Publisher: OECD Publishing
Total Pages: 354
Release: 2019-12-03
ISBN: 9264541888

This is one of six volumes that present the results of the PISA 2018 survey, the seventh round of the triennial assessment. Volume I, What Students Know and Can Do, provides a detailed examination of student performance in reading, mathematics and science, and describes how performance has changed since previous PISA assessments.

PISA 2018 Results (Volume V) Effective Policies, Successful Schools

PISA 2018 Results (Volume V) Effective Policies, Successful Schools
Author: OECD
Publisher: OECD Publishing
Total Pages: 330
Release: 2020-09-29
ISBN: 9264377891

The OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) examines what students know in reading, mathematics and science, and what they can do with what they know. his is one of six volumes that present the results of the PISA 2018 survey, the seventh round of the triennial assessment. Volume V, Effective Policies, Successful Schools, analyses schools and school systems and their relationship with education outcomes more generally.

PISA 2018 Results (Volume VI) Are Students Ready to Thrive in an Interconnected World?

PISA 2018 Results (Volume VI) Are Students Ready to Thrive in an Interconnected World?
Author: OECD
Publisher: OECD Publishing
Total Pages: 426
Release: 2020-10-22
ISBN: 9264893717

The OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) examines what students know in reading, mathematics and science, and what they can do with what they know. Volume VI: Are Students Ready to Thrive in an Interconnected World? explores students’ ability to examine issues of local, global and cultural significance; understand and appreciate the perspectives and worldviews of others; engage in open, appropriate and effective interactions across cultures; and take action for collective well-being and sustainable development.

PISA 2018 Results (Volume III) What School Life Means for Students’ Lives

PISA 2018 Results (Volume III) What School Life Means for Students’ Lives
Author: OECD
Publisher: OECD Publishing
Total Pages: 368
Release: 2019-12-03
ISBN: 9264879722

This is one of six volumes that present the results of the PISA 2018 survey, the seventh round of the triennial assessment. Volume III, What School Life Means for Students’ Lives, focuses on the physical and emotional health of students, the role of teachers and parents in shaping the school climate, and the social life at school. The volume also examines indicators of student well-being, and how these are related to the school climate.

Improving a Country’s Education

Improving a Country’s Education
Author: Nuno Crato
Publisher: Springer Nature
Total Pages: 263
Release: 2020-11-23
Genre: Education
ISBN: 3030590313

This open access book compares and contrasts the results of international student assessments in ten countries. The OECD’s Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) released the results of its 2018 assessment in December 2019. This book reflects the debates that typically follow the release of these results and focuses on the causes of differences between countries. Such causes include continuous decline in one country, improvement combined with increasing internal inequalities in another country, or rapid improvement in spite of an outdated curriculum in yet another. In addition, the book discusses a number of general questions: Is knowledge outdated? Are computers taking over and replacing teachers? Are schools killing creativity? Are we adequately preparing the next generation? Are schools failing to educate our kids? The book starts out with a summary of PISA’s evolution and PISA results, and an explanation of the major factors that play a role in changes in countries’ results. The next ten chapters are devoted to ten specific countries, offering a summary of data and an explanation of the major drives for changes in education results for each one. Each chapter includes a short description of the country’s educational system as well as the impact of PISA and other ILSA studies on the country’s educational policies. The chapters also include a timeline of policy measures and main hallmarks of the country’s educational evolution, discussing the impact of these measures on its PISA results. A final reference chapter explains what PISA is, what it measures and how. While highlighting the 2018 results, the book also takes into consideration previous results, as well as long-term initiatives. This book gathers the contribution of well-known and respected experts in the field. Specialists such as Eric Hanushek, for the US, Tim Oates, for England, Montse Gomendio, for Spain, Gunda Tire, for Estonia, and all other contributors draw on their vast experience and statistical analysis expertise to draw a set of rich country lessons and recommendations that are invaluable for all of those who care about improving a country’s education system.

PISA 2015 Results

PISA 2015 Results
Total Pages: 268
Release: 2017-06-15
Genre: Business & Economics
ISBN: 9789264270237

Each volume developed under the direction of Andreas Schleicher, Yuri Belfali and others.

PISA 2018 Assessment and Analytical Framework

PISA 2018 Assessment and Analytical Framework
Author: OECD
Publisher: OECD Publishing
Total Pages: 308
Release: 2019-04-26
ISBN: 9264477594

This report presents the conceptual foundations of the OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), now in its seventh cycle of comprehensive and rigorous international surveys of student knowledge, skills and well-being. Like previous cycles, the 2018 assessment covered reading, mathematics and science, with the major focus this cycle on reading literacy, plus an evaluation of students’ global competence – their ability to understand and appreciate the perspectives and world views of others. Financial literacy was also offered as an optional assessment.

TALIS 2018 Results (Volume I) Teachers and School Leaders as Lifelong Learners

TALIS 2018 Results (Volume I) Teachers and School Leaders as Lifelong Learners
Author: OECD
Publisher: OECD Publishing
Total Pages: 220
Release: 2019-06-19
ISBN: 9264541349

The OECD Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) is the largest international survey asking teachers and school leaders about their working conditions and learning environments, and provides a barometer of the profession every five years. Results from the 2018 cycle explore and examine the various dimensions of teacher and school leader professionalism across education systems.

TALIS 2018 Results (Volume II) Teachers and School Leaders as Valued Professionals

TALIS 2018 Results (Volume II) Teachers and School Leaders as Valued Professionals
Author: OECD
Publisher: OECD Publishing
Total Pages: 250
Release: 2020-03-23
ISBN: 9264805974

This report aims to provide an in-depth analysis of teachers’ and school leaders’ perceptions of the value of their profession, their work-related well-being and stress, and their satisfaction with their working conditions. It also offers a description of teachers’ and school leaders’ contractual arrangements, opportunities to engage in professional tasks such as collaborative teamwork, autonomous decision making, and leadership practices.