Derailing Democracy

Derailing Democracy
Author: David McGowan
Total Pages: 248
Release: 2000
Genre: Political Science

Is the U.S. a beacon of progress? That's how the mainstream media want you to see it. But in Derailing Democracy: The America the Media Don't Want You to See, David McGowan has compiled an index of disturbing facts that point to ominous trends. Did you know: -- We're number one: the United States has the highest number of death-row inmates of any country on Earth: 3,300. -- That the U.S. is one of only two countries to defy an International Court ruling (over Nicaragua 1986) -- the other one is Iran. -- That only a handful of countries opposed a 1998 UN Commission on Human Rights call for a moratorium on all executions -- Bangladesh, China, South Korea, Rwanda, and the United States. -- That 133 nations, including virtually all U.S. allies, have signed a treaty banning landmines -- but the U.S. insists on continued production. -- That in 1996 the list of the top ten richest people in the world contained two Americans who held 28% of the wealth on the list; by 1999 they numbered seven out of ten, with 84% of the wealth. -- Since the early 1990s, more than 60 people in the USA are reported to have died in police custody after being exposed to pepper spray. -- That the U.S. is selling surveillance equipment to countries with the worst human rights records -- so that they can track dissidents in an international tracking system for individuals 'of interest.' -- That the California prison population grew from 19,600 in 1977 to 159,000 in 1998. -- Stun belts used on prisoners have been widely condemned for the incapacitating pain they deliver. In instances where children are tried as adults, they are not exempted from wearing the belts. From mandatory minimumsentencing laws to new more liberal search-and-seizure rules, from Three Strikes You're Out to congressional legislation for a national ID card, in Derailing Democracy, David McGowan has compiled the facts to show that the noose around democracy is tightening every day.

Uneasy Listening

Uneasy Listening
Author: Matthew Lasar
Publisher: Black Apollo Press
Total Pages: 431
Release: 2006
Genre: Alternative radio broadcasting
ISBN: 1900355450

"Uneasy listening tells the story of the epic battle over five listener-supported radio stations that rocked the American Left and raised difficult questions about public broadcasting in the United States that have yet to be answered"--P. [4] of cover.

God is Subversive

God is Subversive
Author: Lee Griffith
Publisher: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing
Total Pages: 180
Release: 2011-04-12
Genre: Political Science
ISBN: 080286502X

To Lee Griffith, being a peacemaker means much more than sporting PEACE T-shirts or voting for left-wing political candidates. Peacemaking is for him a daily practice of community formation, lifestyle decisions, and prayer ordinary living that is faithful to the gospel and happily out of sync with most of the world most of the time and it is a vital part of following Jesus Christ. In these challenging talks, Griffith a veteran anti-war activist who has been arrested many times for his pro-peace demonstrations sets forth a solidly biblical argument for uncompromising nonviolence. Along the way, he describes encounters with dumpster divers and prostitutes, with bag ladies and judges, with people who hear voices and see ghosts and he shares how, through these encounters and more, he has come to know better the subversive God of the gospel.

The War on Terrorism and the Terror of God

The War on Terrorism and the Terror of God
Author: Lee Griffith
Publisher: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing
Total Pages: 420
Release: 2004
Genre: Political Science
ISBN: 9780802828606

Uniquely relevant in a world shaken by recent acts of terror, this title calls people of faith to the way of peace, the Christian response to evil and violence.

Myth America

Myth America
Author: David McGowan
Publisher: SCB Distributors
Total Pages: 190
Release: 2022-04-07
Genre: Political Science
ISBN: 1909394920

An eye-opening and prophetic look at the true state of American politics and culture today. Is the U.S. a beacon of progress? That’s how the mainstream media want you to see it. But in Myth America, visionary researcher David McGowan presents an index of disturbing facts and ominous trends that illustrate the deep roots of America’s systems of oppression. From mandatory minimum sentencing laws to more liberal search-and-seizure rules, from Three Strikes You’re Out to congressional legislation for a national ID card, McGowan shows how the noose around democracy has been tightening every day for decades—if it ever existed in the U.S. at all. David McGowan is the author of the bestselling Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon: Laurel Canyon, Covert Ops & The Dark Heart of the Hippie Dream. Myth America was his first book, originally published in 2000 under the title Derailing Democracy.

Liberating the Mind

Liberating the Mind
Author: Linda Elder
Publisher: Rowman & Littlefield
Total Pages: 252
Release: 2019-12-13
Genre: Education
ISBN: 1538137631

Throughout history, thinkers within every part of society have been crippled by an ingrained bias toward their own views and the views of their preferred social groups. As these dangerous egocentric and sociocentric tendencies continue to pose the greatest threat to the advancement of rational societies, Liberating the Mind reveals a way forward. Dissecting the core of how humans naturally learn, think, and choose to act, internationally recognized critical thinking leader Linda Elder illuminates root causes of dysfunctional thought andshows us how to free ourselves from both selfishness and groupthink through explicit tools of rationality. This instant intellectual classic offers a cohesive, integrated theory of mind that takes into account pathological tendencies shared by all humans, while offering a clear path toward the cultivation of fairminded critical thinking throughout the world. Elder illuminates how, by taking the intrinsic problems in our thinking seriously, we can follow the example of Socrates and live the examined life, even in times of upheaval and doubt.

Understanding the F-word

Understanding the F-word
Author: David McGowan
Publisher: iUniverse
Total Pages: 278
Release: 2001
Genre: Political Science
ISBN: 0595186408

By offering a radical review of the last one hundred years of US history, this work is intended as a counterpoint to the rampant revisionism of the flurry of books glorifying the "American Century". Beginning with the rather bold and decidedly controversial assertion that the current political system in place in the United States at the dawn of the twenty-first century is fascism, the first part of this book attempts to justify that claim by first defining exactly what fascism is—correcting various widely-held misconceptions—and then analyzing how closely we as a nation conform to that definition. Also included is a review of some of the hidden history and key events of World War II. Part II offers a retrospective of the twentieth century American presidential administrations, to demonstrate that the steady and inexorable march towards overt fascism was a defining characteristic that remained unchanged. The final section looks at the still very much alive eugenics movement, and analyzes the role played by the psychiatric establishment in validating the fascist state. This book will surely find no shortage of detractors, but if read with an open mind, it just may change the way you view the world.

Piercing the Fog of 9/11

Piercing the Fog of 9/11
Author: Charles Giuliani
Total Pages: 273
Release: 2009-01-22
ISBN: 055704071X

We have been told that we were attacked by 19 Muslim fanatics on 9/11. This story works well for those who don't look carefully at it. But upon close inspection, this whole account crumbles to dust faster than the Twin Towers did. Find out the shocking truth about who really perpetrated this terrible crime, and why.

Postwar America

Postwar America
Author: James Ciment
Publisher: Routledge
Total Pages: 1721
Release: 2015-03-26
Genre: Business & Economics
ISBN: 1317462351

From the outbreak of the Cold War to the rise of the United States as the last remaining superpower, the years following World War II were filled with momentous events and rapid change. Diplomatically, economically, politically, and culturally, the United States became a major influence around the globe. On the domestic front, this period witnessed some of the most turbulent and prosperous years in American history. "Postwar America: An Encyclopedia of Social, Political, Cultural, and Economic History" provides detailed coverage of all the remarkable developments within the United States during this period, as well as their dramatic impact on the rest of the world. A-Z entries address specific persons, groups, concepts, events, geographical locations, organizations, and cultural and technological phenomena. Sidebars highlight primary source materials, items of special interest, statistical data, and other information; and Cultural Landmark entries chronologically detail the music, literature, arts, and cultural history of the era. Bibliographies covering literature from the postwar era and about the era are also included, as are illustrations and specialized indexes.

Animal Rights/human Rights

Animal Rights/human Rights
Author: David Alan Nibert
Publisher: Rowman & Littlefield
Total Pages: 292
Release: 2002
Genre: Nature
ISBN: 9780742517769

This accessible and cutting-edge work offers a new look at the history of western "civilization," one that brings into focus the interrelated suffering of oppressed humans and other animals. Nibert argues persuasively that throughout history the exploitation of other animals has gone hand in hand with the oppression of women, people of color, and other oppressed groups. He maintains that the oppression both of humans and of other species of animals is inextricably tangled within the structure of social arrangements. Nibert asserts that human use and mistreatment of other animals are not natural and do little to further the human condition. Nibert's analysis emphasizes the economic and elite-driven character of prejudice, discrimination, and institutionalized repression of humans and other animals. His examination of the economic entanglements of the oppression of human and other animals is supplemented with an analysis of ideological forces and the use of state power in this sociological expose of the grotesque uses of the oppressed, past and present. Nibert suggests that the liberation of devalued groups of humans is unlikely in a world that uses other animals as fodder for the continual growth and expansion of transnational corporations and, conversely, that animal liberation cannot take place when humans continue to be exploited and oppressed.